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Get sorted Sharpish - Fast, free, life-saving injecting equipment

Mae Spike on a Bike yn wasanaeth a gynigir gan Wasanaeth Cyffuriau ac Alcohol Dyfed (DDAS) lle gallwch gael offer chwistrellu glân a gwasanaethau lleihau niwed eraill yn syth at eich drws – yn gyflym ac am ddim.

Ledled Sir Gaerfyrddin, Ceredigion a Sir Benfro – mae ein beicwyr modur yn barod i ddanfon eich archeb yn syth at eich drws heb fod angen i chi adael y tŷ. Rydym am wneud DDAS hyd yn oed yn fwy hygyrch i’r rhai sy’n wynebu rhwystrau wrth gael y gwasanaethau sydd eu hangen arnynt, hyd yn oed yn fwy felly ers pandemig y coronafeirws gyda’r dull allgymorth arloesol hwn.


Rydym yn deall nad yw cael mynediad i swyddfa gwasanaethau cyfnewid nodwyddau neu wasanaethau camddefnyddio sylweddau bob amser yn hawdd – gall hyn fod oherwydd stigma, ofnau o ddal COVID-19, problemau symudedd, cyfyngiadau iechyd meddwl neu gorfforol yn ogystal â thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus wael mewn lleoliadau gwledig.


Rydym felly yn dod â’r cyfan sydd ei angen arnoch chi – ar feic modur yn y gwasanaeth newydd sbon hwn a ddarperir i chi gan DDAS.

About: Welcome

Spike on a Bike provides:

Needle Exchange Equipment

Naloxone Dispensing 

Overdose Prevention Advice

Responsive Community Discarded Needle Collection

Collection of Used Sharps

HIV, Hepatitis B&C Testing

Harm Reduction Advice 

Safer Injecting Advice

We provide an industry standard range of needles, syringes, fixed head needles including specific sets for steroid injecting. We also stock non-galvanized foil, which is better for smoking substances than domestic aluminium foil. 

Naloxone is a life-saving opioid antagonist that reverses the effects of an opiate overdose long enough for emergency services to arrive at the scene of an overdose. We provide Prenoxad which is a 5 dose Intramuscular kit and Nyxoid which is a 2-dose nasal spray.

Our team of expert substance use support workers can provide you with the latest Overdose Prevention Advice, making sure you are using substances safely as well as using the least harmful equipment while doing so. 

In each of our bases in Dyfed we have equipment that enables us to act on reports of discarded needles from the public and service users. We are passionate about reacting to these reports in a timely manner, ensuring the safety of the public and improving areas of safety with high or low footfall. 

Whenever you make an order with us, you can request a pickup of used sharps. We can take sealed sharps bins from your property to help improve safety for you and anyone else you are living with. We can also provide this service for landlords, family members or anyone who reports used sharps found in a property. 

At Spike on a Bike, we are passionate about working towards the eradication of Hepatitis B&C in our communities. Not only are we satisfied with providing clean works and removing used sharps to reduce risk of infection, we are work ever more closely with local hepatologist services to improve access to testing and treatment. to book yourself for a test, please click here.

It's simple; Spike on a Bike is designed to reduce harm. This comes in the form of providing clean works like needles, syringes, needle exchange foil not to mention access to Naloxone kits to reduce overdose harm. We also provide sexual health harm reduction in the form of condoms. Because Spike on a Bike riders are qualified Substance Use Workers, we provide face to face harm reduction and guide you on best injecting and smoking practices. 

Whether you are just starting to inject or have been for a while, we can guide you on some simple and effective ways to reduce harm when injecting substances. This might be suggesting different needles for IV use, inspecting your injection sites for infection and advising on sterile environments for substance prep before injecting. 

Basic First Aid

It's always good to have some basic first aid techniques and knowledge to employ if you or a loved one are injured. Knowing how to react to an injury sustained while using substances can help ensure you are reducing the chance of long-term permanent or short-term physical health problems. We can guide on how to react to and, identifying signs and symptoms to prevent overdose

Eisiau gwybod mwy am DDAS?

Mae DDAS yn darparu cymorth i bobl dros 18 oed sydd â phroblem cyffuriau ac alcohol. P'un a ydych angen cefnogaeth neu a ydych yn anwylyd sydd angen cefnogaeth - gallwn ni helpu. 

Dyfed Drug and Alcohol Service
About: Welcome
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